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Traction Control Module: Diagrams

PSM 5.3 Connector Assignment

Connector of PSM 5.3 control module

PSM 5.3 Connector Assignment (Part 1):

PSM 5.3 Connector Assignment (Part 2):

PSM 5.3 Connector Assignment (Part 3):

Connector of PSM 5.3 hydraulic unit

Connector Of PSM 5.3 Hydraulic Unit:

Ground points/plug connections

Ground point 2

Ground point 2 is located on the left at the front end (KS front left)

Plug connection and relays

The plug connections X1/3, X1/4 and the solenoid valve and return pump relays are located in the passenger compartment wiring harness on the left at the front behind the PSM control module.

PSM 5.7 Connector Assignment

Connector of PSM 5.7 control module

PSM 5.7 Connector Assignment (Part 1):

PSM 5.7 Connector Assignment (Part 2):

PSM 5.7 Connector Assignment (Part 3):

Ground points

Ground point 2

Ground point 2 is located on the left at the front of the luggage compartment.