Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



Vinyl chloride

Colorless gas that is primarily used to manufacture PVC (See: Polyvinyl chloride). An otherwise very rare form of liver cancer was found amongst workers who had worked on the production machines, as well as a further health impairment caused by vinyl chloride, the so-called VC disease, which results in changes in the skin and bones. Changed production colors and inspection systems prevent damage to health.


Abbreviation for Volatile Organic Compound. Portion by weight of organic solvents relative to the paint volume (without the water paint portion).

Properties of metallic base coat paints:

According to many experts, organic solvents are an important cause of summer smog. Therefore, the necessity for drastic reduction of organic solvent emissions is undisputed. In the USA (California), a defined VOC value (< 420 g/l) has been prescribed since 1995. Various legal regulations exist in Europe to contain solvent emissions. The European Union is preparing two Directives to reduce emissions via regulatory activities. The VOC value plays a central role in the measurement criteria.

Volatile Organic Compound

See: VOC.


The measure of sensibility of the human ear for tones of different frequencies or sounds. The unit of measure for volume is the Phon. See: Noise.