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Cover Foil For Right-Hand Traffic Headlights In Countries With Left-Hand Traffic

Cover Foil For Right-Hand Traffic Headlights In Countries With Left-hand Traffic

- This description applies to left-hand drive vehicles (e.g. France) being driven in countries with traffic regulations for right-hand drive vehicles (e.g. Great Britain).
- To permit left-hand drive vehicles to be driven with lights in countries with traffic regulations for right-hand drive vehicles, headlights must be masked off with a cover foil affixed.
- Order the cover foil via the PET.

Only in vehicles with Bi-Xenon headlights

Align cover foils -A- and -B- so that the orientation aids (dashed lines) of the cover foil on the headlight coincide with the second line from the outside (>> in direction of travel).

Only for vehicles with halogen headlights

Cover foils -C- and -D- for halogen headlights must be identified as follows:

1. Measure the dimension shown and mark it on the foil.
2. From the dots marked on the reverse of the foil, draw in the line shown in the illustration.
3. Cut the foil with scissors a few millimeters from the drawn line.

NOTE: The scribed markings aid orientation with the lines of the headlight.

A. Cover foil for Bi-XENON left

1. With the orientation aid -3- on the orientation line -4-, traverse the foil on the headlight until the dimension - 95 mm - is achieved.

NOTE: Measure the dimension - 95 mm - using a measuring tape or similar between the upper -1- and the lower dimension line -2-.

2. Stick on the foil.

B. Cover foil for Bi-XENON right

1. With the orientation aid -3- on the orientation line -4-, traverse the foil on the headlight until the dimension - 102 mm - is achieved.

NOTE: Measure the dimension - 102 mm - using a measuring tape or similar between the upper -1- and the lower dimension line -2-.

2. Stick on the foil.

C. Cover foil for halogen right

1. With the orientation aids on the line (third from right >> in direction of travel), traverse foil on the headlight until the dimension - 102 mm - is achieved.

NOTE: Measure the dimension - 102 mm - using a measuring tape or similar between the upper -1- and the lower dimension line -2-.

2. Stick on the foil.

D. Cover foil for halogen left

1. With the orientation aids on the line (second from left >> in direction of travel), traverse foil on the headlight until the dimension - 129 mm - is achieved.

NOTE: Measure the dimension - 129 mm - using a measuring tape or similar between the upper -1- and the lower dimension line -2-.

2. Stick on the foil.