Solenoid: Service and Repair
Removing and installing transverse lock servo motorRemoving transverse lock servo motor
Overview of transverse lock servo motor
Electric plug on servo motor
1. Pull cable plug -1, 2- off the servo motor.
Cable lead fastening
2. Pull off fastening element -arrow- for cable lead and place lead aside.
Servo motor fastening
3. Unscrew four fastening screws -arrows- on the servo motor.
ATTENTION: Emerging oil is harmful to the eyes.
-> Wear personal protective gear (e.g. safety goggles).
Note: Avoid minor oil leaks when removing the servo motor.
4. Place oil collection container underneath.
5. Remove servo motor.
Installing transverse lock servo motor
Overview of transverse lock servo motor
1. Replace sealing ring -arrow- on servo motor. Sealing ring on servo motor
2. Install servo motor.
Servo motor fastening
3. Screw in four screws -arrows- on servo motor. Tightening torque 7.5 ft. lbs.
Cable lead fastening
4. Install fastening element -arrow- for cable lead.
Electric plug on servo motor
5. Connect cable plug -1, 2- to servo motor.
Subsequent work for servo motor for differential lock
1. Check the oil in the final drive.