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Removing and Installing Folding Sports Bucket Seat

Removing And Installing Folding Sports Bucket Seat

Technical values

Removing folding sports bucket seat

Loosening seat belt mount on sports bucket seat

1. Loosen the seat belt mount on the sports bucket seat.

1.1. Press out cap -1- with a screwdriver.
1.2. Unscrew fastening screw -2-.
1.3. Pull seat belt mount -3- out through the sports bucket seat -arrow- and remove spring washer -4-, spacer sleeve -5- and washer -6-.

Loosening sports bucket seat

1. Move sports bucket seat to the front end position.
2. Unscrew fastening screws -1- from the guide rails -2- (-arrows-).

3. Move sports bucket seat to the rear end position.

INFORMATION: Caution Locking lugs can break.

4. Insert a screwdriver -1- under the locking lugs and press upwards slightly -arrow A-.

5. Pull cover for guide rail -2- forward and off -arrows-.
6. Unscrew fastening screws -1- from the guide rails -2- (-arrows-).

Disconnecting plug connection for AWS control unit

INFORMATION: Only for passenger seat in USA/Canada vehicles.

1. Release connector -1- by actuating the locking lug -arrow A- and pull it off the AWS control unit -2- (-arrow B-).

Disconnecting central connector

1. Release the lock on the plug connection -1- (-arrow A-) and pull off the connector -2- (-arrow B-).

2. Unclip connector wire harness at the retaining clip -3- (-arrow C-).
3. Remove sports bucket seat from the vehicle.

Installing folding sports bucket seat

Locking central connector

1. Fit sports bucket seat into the vehicle and tilt it backwards.
2. Join the plug connection -1- (-arrow A-). Press in lock on plug connection at the side -2- (-arrow B-).

3. Clip in connector wire harness at the retaining clip -3- (-arrow C-).

Locking plug connection for AWS control unit

INFORMATION: Only for passenger seat in USA/Canada vehicles.

1. Plug in connector -1- on AWS control unit -2- (-arrow-) until the connector engages securely.

Securing sports bucket seat

DANGER: Loosen the safety-related threaded joint.
- Danger of injury if sports bucket seat is not screwed down correctly.
- Always replace fastening screws for the sports bucket seat.
- Never make alterations to the micro-self-locking screws (e.g. never use lubricant, loosen bolts, and screw them down again).

1. Move sports bucket seat to the rear end position.
2. Secure guide rails -2- with the fastening screws -1- (-arrows-). Tightening torque: 50 Nm (37 ftlb.)

3. Insert cover for guide rails -1- into the guide rails -arrow A- until the locking lug locks with an audible click -arrow B-.

4. Move sports bucket seat to the front end position.
5. Secure guide rails -2- with the fastening screws -1- (-arrows-). Tightening torque: 50 Nm (37 ftlb.)

Securing seat belt mount to the sports bucket seat

- Guide belt strap from the inside to the outside.
- Ensure that the belt strap can run properly.

1. Secure the seat belt mount to the sports bucket seat.

1.1. Guide seat belt mount -3- through the sports bucket seat -arrow-
1.2. Secure seat belt mount -3- to the sports bucket seat with the fastening screw -2-, spring washer -4-, spacer sleeve -5- and washer -6-. Tightening torque: 50 Nm (37 ftlb.).
1.3. Press in cap -1-.