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Brakes and Traction Control: Testing and Inspection

WM 460000 Brake disc measurement sheet


Brake disc measurement sheet

Notes on checking and measurement points can be found in:
Test 1 = Brake disc thickness.
Test 2 = Lateral runout on brake disc and wheel hub.
Test 3 = Thickness tolerance of brake disc.

Actual values that are identical in all versions are already entered!
These values can change in the course of further development. Check if necessary and add the new values accordingly.

To document the measured result, a copy or printout of the data card illustrated can be used. The data cards cannot be ordered.

1. Make a copy or printout of the data card shown.
2. Before performing measurements (Test 1 to Test 3), enter the general data, vehicle type and the missing nominal values (new brake disc thickness/brake disc wear limit) in the data card.
3. Perform measurements (Test 1 to 3, actual status) and enter the values in the data card.
4. If brake discs are to be replaced, carry out Test 2 with the new discs again and enter the latest values in a new data card.

Measuring prerequisites

- Note the labor operation numbers.

- Measuring brake discs: 80 time units per axle.