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Removing and Installing Rear Centre Panel

Removing And Installing Rear Centre Panel

Technical values

Preliminary work

1. Remove roof joint cover strip (C-pillar cover) at the left and right. Refer to Removing and installing roof joint cover strip (C-pillar cover).

Removing rear centre panel

1. Loosen rear centre panel.
1.1. Open rear lid.
1.2. Open rear window cover.
1.3. Unscrew fastening screws -2- at the bottom of the rear centre panel -1-.
1.4. Screw off fastening nuts -3- at the top left and right of the rear centre panel -1- and remove seals -4-.
1.5. Lift up rear centre panel -1- (-Arrows-) until the additional brake light connector is accessible.

2. Release connector -1- (-Arrow A-) and pull it off the additional brake light -2- (-Arrow B-).

3. Remove the rear centre panel.

Installing rear centre panel

1. Place rear centre panel in installation position and connect connector -1- to the additional brake light -2- (-Arrow-) until the connector -1- engages securely.

2. Install rear centre panel.
2.1. Fit rear centre panel -1- on the threaded bolts at the left and right -Arrows-.
2.2. Fit seals -4- on the threaded bolts at the left and right and screw on fastening nuts -3-.
2.3. Screw in fastening screws -2- at the bottom of the rear centre panel -1-.

3. By moving the rear centre panel -1-, adjust the contours with respect to the side panel, rear window cover and rear lid in accordance with the specified gap dimensions. Gap dimension A: 4 mm ± 1 mm, Gap dimension B: 1.9 mm ± 1 mm, Gap dimension A: 6 mm ± 1 mm, Gap dimension B: 2 mm ± 1 mm, Gap dimension A: 4 mm ± 1 mm, Gap dimension A: 4 mm. Refer to Diagram - body gap dimensions.
4. Tighten fastening nuts -3- and fastening screws -2-. Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.), Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)

Subsequent work

1. Install roof joint cover strip (C-pillar cover) at the left and right. Refer to Removing and installing roof joint cover strip (C-pillar cover).