721955 Replacing backrest frame (air-conditioned comfort seat)
WM 721955 Replacing backrest frame (air-conditioned comfort seat)
Preliminary work
1. Remove motor for lumbar support. -> 723619 Removing and installing lumbar support motor - section on "Removing" 72361900 Removing and installing motor for lumbar support
2. Remove control valve for lumbar support adjustment. -> 723319 Removing and installing control valve for lumbar support adjustment - section on "Removing" 72331900 Removing and installing control valve for lumbar support adjustment
3. Remove lumbar support. -> 723419 Removing and installing lumbar support - section on "Removing" 72341900 Removing and installing lumbar support
4. Remove motor for backrest adjustment. -> 72891900 Removing and installing motor for backrest adjustment - section on "Removing" 72891900 Removing and installing motor for backrest adjustment
5. Remove bowden cable for backrest release. -> 722519 Removing and installing bowden cable for backrest release - section on "Removing" 722519 Removing and installing bowden cable for backrest release (folding sports bucket seat)
6. Loosen wire harness for backrest close to the backrest frame. -> 975619 Removing and installing wire harness for backrest (front seat) - section on "Removing" 97561900 Removing and installing wire harness for backrest (front seat)
Disassembling backrest frame
Removing inner spring on backrest frame
1. Disengage tension springs -1- at left and right on inner spring -2- ( -arrows A- ).
Removing inner spring on backrest frame
2. Unclip inner spring -2- on backrest frame at the drive shaft -arrow B- and remove inner spring.
3. Disengage tension springs -1- on the backrest frame.
Removing frame for side airbag
1. Unscrew fastening screws -1- and unclip frame for side airbag -2- from the backrest frame -3-.
Removing frame for side airbag
Disassembling backrest frame
1. Remove fastening nuts -1- from the backrest frame -2- , check them and replace if necessary.
Removing fastening nuts
2. Unclip fixing clips -1- from the backrest frame -2- , check them and replace if necessary.
Removing fixing clips
Removing backrest frame
Two persons are needed to remove and install the backrest frame.
1. Hold backrest frame -3- upright.
Removing backrest frame
2. Unscrew fastening screws -1- at the left and right and remove support panel -2- ( -arrow A- ).
3. Lift backrest frame -3- up out of the seat frame -arrow B-.
Assembling backrest frame
1. Press in fixing clips -1- on the backrest frame -2-.
Pressing in fixing clips
2. Screw fastening nuts -1- onto the backrest frame -2-.
Screwing on fastening nuts
Installing frame for side airbag
1. Clip frame for side airbag -2- to backrest frame -3- and secure with the fastening screws -1-.
Installing frame for side airbag
Installing inner spring on backrest frame
1. Engage tension springs -1- in the backrest frame.
Engaging inner spring on backrest frame
2. Clip in inner spring -2- on lower part of backrest frame at the drive shaft -arrow A-.
3. Engage tension springs -1- in the inner spring -2- on the backrest frame -arrow B-.
Subsequent work
1. Secure wire harness for backrest close to the backrest frame. -> 975619 Removing and installing wire harness for backrest (front seat) - section on "Installing" 97561900 Removing and installing wire harness for backrest (front seat)
2. Install bowden cable for backrest release. -> 722519 Removing and installing bowden cable for backrest release - section on "Installing" 722519 Removing and installing bowden cable for backrest release (folding sports bucket seat)
3. Install motor for backrest adjustment. -> 72891900 Removing and installing motor for backrest adjustment - section on "Installing" 72891900 Removing and installing motor for backrest adjustment
4. Install lumbar support. -> 723419 Removing and installing lumbar support - section on "Installing" 72341900 Removing and installing lumbar support
5. Install control valve for lumbar support adjustment. -> 723319 Removing and installing control valve for lumbar support adjustment - section on "Installing" 72331900 Removing and installing control valve for lumbar support adjustment
6. Install motor for lumbar support. -> 723619 Removing and installing lumbar support motor - section on "Installing" 72361900 Removing and installing motor for lumbar support