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681719 Removing and installing centre console

WM 681719 Removing and installing centre console

Preliminary work

1. Remove storage box. -> 681619 Removing and installing package box - section on "Removing" 681619 Removing and installing shelf


Only for vehicles with multimedia interface.

2. Remove multimedia interface. -> 912219 Removing and installing multimedia interface - section on "Removing"

Removing centre console

Removing centre console (without multimedia interface)

Main illustration for removing and installing centre console

1. Remove cover for handbrake lever.

Removing cover for handbrake lever

1.1. Pull handbrake lever.
1.2. Unclip cover for handbrake lever -1- using a plastic wedge -2- ( -arrows- ).
2. Disconnect plug connection for centre console wire harness.

Disconnecting plug connection

2.1. Release plug connection -1- by pressing in the locking lugs -arrows A- and disconnect it -arrow B-.
3. Remove centre console insert.

Removing centre console insert

3.1. Open the lid on the oddments tray.
3.2. Remove centre console insert at the rear -1- ( -arrow- ).
4. Remove centre console floor at the rear.

Removing centre console floor at the rear

4.1. Unscrew fastening screws -1- and remove centre console floor at the rear -2-.
5. Remove centre console.
5.1. Close the lid on the oddments tray.
5.2. Unscrew fastening screws -1-.

Releasing centre console

5.3. Pivot the centre console -1- upwards -arrow A- and remove it -arrow B-.

Removing centre console

Removing centre console (with multimedia interface)

Main illustration for removing and installing centre console

1. Remove cover for handbrake lever.

Removing cover for handbrake lever

1.1. Pull handbrake lever.
1.2. Unclip cover for handbrake lever -1- using a plastic wedge -2- ( -arrows- ).
2. Disconnect plug connection for centre console wire harness.

Disconnecting plug connection

2.1. Release plug connection -1- by pressing in the locking lugs -arrows A- and disconnect it -arrow B-.
3. Remove centre console floor at the rear.

Removing centre console floor at the rear

3.1. Unscrew fastening screw -1- and remove centre console floor at the rear -2- ( -arrow- ).
4. Remove centre console.
4.1. Unscrew fastening screws -1-.

Releasing centre console

4.2. Swivel centre console -1- up slightly -arrow A- and slide wire harness for multimedia interface -2- through the opening in the centre console -arrow B-.

Releasing centre console

4.3. Remove centre console -1-.

Installing centre console

Installing centre console (without multimedia interface)

1. Install centre console.

Installing centre console

1.1. Fit the centre console -1- ( -arrow A- ) and align it -arrow B-.
1.2. Tighten fastening screws -1-.

Securing centre console

2. Install centre console floor at the rear.

Installing centre console floor at the rear

2.1. Open the lid on the package box.
2.2. Fit centre console floor at the rear -2- and secure with the fastening screws -1-.
3. Install centre console insert.

Installing centre console insert

3.1. Fit centre console insert at the rear -1- ( -arrow- ) and close the lid on the package box.
4. Lock plug connection for centre console wire harness.

Locking plug connection

4.1. Push the plug connection -1- together until it locks with an audible click -arrow-.
5. Install cover for handbrake lever.

Installing cover for handbrake lever

5.1. Press in cover for handbrake lever -1- ( -arrows- ) until it engages securely.

Installing centre console (with multimedia interface)

1. Install centre console.

Installing centre console

1.1. Fit centre console -1- and pull wire harness for multimedia interface -2- through the opening in the centre console -arrow A-.
1.2. Align centre console -1- ( -arrow B- ).
1.3. Tighten fastening screws -1-.

Securing centre console

2. Install centre console floor at the rear.

Installing centre console floor at the rear

2.1. Fit centre console floor at the rear -2- ( -arrow- ) and secure with the fastening screw -1-.
3. Lock plug connection for centre console wire harness.

Locking plug connection

3.1. Push the plug connection -1- together until it locks with an audible click -arrow-.
4. Install cover for handbrake lever.

Installing cover for handbrake lever

4.1. Press in cover for handbrake lever -1- ( -arrows- ) until it engages securely.

Subsequent work

1. Install storage box. -> 681619 Removing and installing package box - section on "Installing" 681619 Removing and installing shelf


Only for vehicles with multimedia interface.

2. Install multimedia interface. -> 912219 Removing and installing multimedia interface - section on "Installing"