Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Constant Velocity Joint Boot: Service and Repair

WM 422855 Replacing bellows drive shaft



Only monobloc drive shafts -2- are installed in all Boxster and Cayman vehicles as of model year 2005.

The shaft in monobloc drive shafts -2- is approx. 34 mm in diameter (friction-welded drive shafts -1- = approx. 28 mm in diameter).

Replacing constant-velocity (CV) joints: Only the CV joint at the transmission side is available upon request. Otherwise, the entire shaft must be replaced.

Before disassembling the drive shaft, always mark the position of the bellows -arrows- for re-installation. This ensures that the bellows will be re-installed at the correct position. Use a coloured pen or fabric tape to mark the position.

Overview of drive shaft

Replacing bellows drive shaft

Drive shaft disassembled

1. Mark the drive shafts (position of bellows).
Before disassembly, mark the correct position of the bellows for re-installation -arrow-.

Marking drive shaft

Do not remove bellows holder on wheel-side joint.

Replacing CV joints: only the transmission-side CV joint is supplied. Otherwise the entire drive shaft must be replaced.
2. Remove CV joint on transmission side.
2.1. Remove circlip for CV joint using suitable circlip pliers, e.g. circlip pliers VW 161 a.

Circlip pliers

2.2. Press off the CV joint using special tools -1, 2- press tool VW 408 a and thrust plate VW 401 a. Push dust bellows and bellows holder to the inner side of the drive shaft so that the CV joint can be pressed off.

Pressing off CV joint

3. Remove outer bellows.

Outer CV joint

3.1. Remove clamp and/or clip (depending on design) -1 and 2-.
3.2. Push the bellows off the profile shaft. Then force off the cap -3- and bellows holder -4- evenly using a suitable mandrel.
4. Grease CV joints.
Regrease the CV joints with special grease if necessary (refer to spare parts catalogue). On the wheel-side joint, press -special grease- through the bellows holder into the joint.

Greasing CV joint

Do not remove bellows holder on wheel-side joint.

The CV joints must be able to be move slightly in an axial direction (length compensation).
5. Push inner and outer bellows and clamps or clips onto profile shaft.
6. Install CV joints.

6.1. Push or press the CV joint onto the correct position on the profile shaft using a suitable pressure piece -3-.

Pressing on CV joint

6.2. Use new circlip.

Circlip pliers

Install circlip for CV joint with suitable circlip pliers, e.g. circlip pliers VW 161 a.
7. Install lid.

7.1. Coat sealing surface of lid -arrow- and bellows holder with special sealant (refer to spare parts catalogue).

Greasing lid

7.2. Push on lid and bellows holder evenly from inner CV joint at congruent holes (holes for the fastening screws) with a plastic hammer (do not use force).
8. Position and secure the bellows according to the markings applied earlier -arrows-. To do this, tighten the clips and clamps.
Tighten the clamps using the hose clip pliers vag 1275 or commercially available special pliers.

Marking drive shaft