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WM 573049 Eliminating noise symptoms: Reworking door sub-frame

Technical values

General information


Wind or whistling noise in A-pillar/mirror attachment point finisher area.

Causes and remedial action


Wind or whistling noise can be heard from around the A-pillar/mirror attachment point finisher while driving at a speed of approx. 50 km/h (30 mph) or more due to the formation of air ducts and pockets between the window guide, door frame and door window glass.

Remedial action

Carry out the following remedial action in the event of a complaint:
Stick a plastic foam strip under the window guide on the door frame and stick a foam pad on the window guide under the rear-view mirror.

Tools and materials


Metre stick or ruler
Plastic wedge
Protective support


Reworking door sub-frame

1. Remove trim panel for mirror attachment point finisher.

Removing trim panel for mirror attachment point finisher

1.1. Unclip trim panel -1- using a plastic wedge -arrows A-.
1.2. Press mirror adjusting switch -2- out of the trim panel -1- from the inside -arrow B-.
1.3. Release connector -3- ( -arrow C- ) and remove it -arrow D-.


Risk of damage to the paintwork on the door and rear-view mirror after removing/disengaging the rear-view mirror.

-> Set rear-view mirror and wiring at the door down on a protective support.

2. Loosen rear-view mirror.

Loosening rear-view mirror

2.1. Unscrew fastening screws -1- ( -arrows- ).
2.2. Lift up rear-view mirror -arrow A- and disengage retaining pivot -B-.

Loosening rear-view mirror

2.3. Fold rear-view mirror down -arrow C- and lean it carefully against the protective support.
3. Pull off seal.

Pulling off seal

3.1. Lever off seal -1- using a plastic wedge -arrow A- and pull it out of the door frame -2- (window guide) -arrow B-.


The bonding surfaces must be clean and free of grease.

4. Stick on foam.

Sticking on foam

4.1. Cut a plastic foam strip measuring 40 mm x 15 mm.
4.2. Lift up seal -1- in the corner area -arrow A-.
4.3. Stick on foam -3- in the marked area of the door frame -2- (window guide) -arrow B-.
5. Slide in seal.

Sliding in seal

5.1. Wet seal -1- in the marked area using a cloth soaked in water.
5.2. Slide seal -1- into the door frame -2- (window guide) -arrow A- and press it on -arrow B-.
5.3. Open and close the side window and check that it moves up and down correctly in the window guide.
6. Stick on foam pad.

Making foam pad

6.1. Make a foam pad -1- with the specified measurements.
A = 40 mm
B = 10 mm
C = 5 mm
6.2. Stick on foam pad -2- in the marked area of the seal -1-.

Sticking on foam pad

7. Secure rear-view mirror.

Securing rear-view mirror

7.1. Engage rear-view mirror at the window channel -arrow A- and fold it in at the top -arrow B-.
7.2. Press rear-view mirror down until the retaining pivot -C- engages at the door frame.
7.3. Secure rear-view mirror at the door frame with the fastening screws -1- ( -arrows- ). => Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)

Securing rear-view mirror

8. Install trim panel for mirror attachment point finisher.

Installing trim panel for mirror attachment point finisher

8.1. Insert connector -3- through the opening on the trim panel -1- and connect it to the mirror adjusting switch -2- ( -arrow A- ).
8.2. Insert mirror adjusting switch -2- into the trim panel -1- from the front and clip it in -arrow B-.
8.3. Position trim panel -1- on the door and clip it in -arrows C-.

Working time

57304901: Reworking door sub-frame, one side; Labor time 30 TU

57305000: Reworking door sub-frame, both sides; Labor time 50 TU