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443819 Removing and Installing Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) Antenna

WM 443819 Removing and installing Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) antenna

Technical values

Removing Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) antenna

Installation position of Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) antenna


The antenna for the Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) system is located on the underside of the vehicle on the side member.


For offroad package only.

1. Remove cap.
1.1. Unscrew fastening screws -1- from the clip nuts -3-.
1.2. Remove cap -2- ( -arrow- ).

Removing cap

2. Remove TPM antenna.
2.1. Release connector -1- ( -arrow A- ) and pull it off -arrow B-.
2.2. Unscrew fastening screws -2- and remove TPM antenna -3- ( -arrow C- ).

Removing TPM antenna

3. Remove support for TPM antenna.
3.1. Release support -1 and 2- at the locking tabs -arrows A- and remove from the TPM antenna -2- ( -arrows B- ).

Removing support for TPM antenna

Installing Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) antenna

1. Install support for TPM antenna.
1.1. Push support -1 and 2- onto the TPM antenna -3- ( -arrows- ) until the locking tabs -arrows- engage securely.

Installing support for TPM antenna

2. Install TPM antenna.
2.1. Position TPM antenna -3- on the body -arrow A- and screw down with the fastening screws -2-.
2.2. Press in connector -1- ( -arrow B- ) until the connector -1- engages securely.

Installing TPM antenna


For offroad package only.

3. Install cap.
3.1. Check clip nuts -3- , replace if necessary.
3.2. Position cap -2- ( -arrow- ) and screw down with the fastening screws -1-. => Tightening torque: 2 Nm (1.5 ftlb.)

Installing cap