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0X03IN14 Wheel electronics: reading out battery service life

WM 0X03IN Wheel electronics: reading out battery service life

Reading out

Wheel electronics: reading out battery service life

The remaining service life of the wheel electronics can be read out with the Porsche System Tester. Before scheduled maintenance and/or changing a tyre, it is recommended to read out the remaining service life of the wheel electronics (due to battery capacity). It is always advisable to replace the wheel electronics if the expected remaining service life of the wheel electronics is shorter than that of the tyre. The battery for the wheel electronics cannot be replaced separately.
1. Connect the -Porsche System Tester-. Read out the respective battery service life of the wheel electronics, FL, FR, RL, RR in months in the menu &;gt;&;gt; RDK &;gt;&;gt; Actual values &;gt;&;gt; Battery service life &;lt;&;lt;.

2. If necessary, replace the -wheel electronics A- -> 443219 Removing and installing wheel electronics Service and Repair.