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Removal and Replacement

WM 150520 Removing and installing camshafts on 4.8-litre DFI engines

Technical values


Component changes for model year 2009 as of October 2008

Preliminary work

1. Remove camshaft controller. -> 158419 Removing and installing camshaft controller on 4.8-litre DFI engines - section on "Removing" 158419 Removing and Installing Camshaft Controller on 4.8-Litre DFI Engines
2. Remove camshaft timing gears. -> 150719 Removing and installing camshaft timing gear (sprocket) on 4.8-litre DFI engines - section on "Removing" 150719 Removing and Installing Camshaft Timing Gear (Sprocket) on 4.8-Litre DFI Engines
3. The high-pressure pump must be removed first before the intake camshaft for cylinder bank 5 to 8 can be removed. -> 246319 Removing and installing high-pressure pump on DFI engines - section on "Removing" 246319 Removing and installing DFI high-pressure pump The drive coupling of the high-pressure pump prevents the camshaft from being removed.

Removing camshafts


- During removal, note the installation position and allocation of the camshafts and bearing covers on a sheet of paper in such a way that they cannot be mixed up.

- Protect camshafts and bearing covers from dirt and place the components on a clean surface according to installation position.

1. Slowly and uniformly loosen and then unscrew all M6 screws (according to cylinder bank) -1 and 6- -3 and 5- on the camshaft bearing covers -2, 4 and 5- -2, 4 and 6-.
The bearing covers are marked E for intake camshaft and A for outlet camshaft. The bearing covers are numbered consecutively by cylinder.
The bearing covers are seated very securely in the cylinder head because of a dowel sleeve -3- -1-. Jiggle free using a pliers if necessary. Place on a marked, clean surface.

Camshaft mount, cylinder bank 1 to 4

Camshaft mount, cylinder bank 5 to 8


- The intake camshaft for cylinder bank 5 to 8 has a plastic loss preventer to prevent the high-pressure pump's drive coupling from falling off.

- If for some reason the plastic loss preventer was not installed, the drive coupling would fall off when the camshaft is removed. The high-pressure pump and its drive mechanism will still work even without the plastic loss preventer.

2. Remove camshafts (according to cylinder bank) -1 and 2- -3 and 6- and place on a marked, clean surface. Turn the intake camshaft for cylinder bank 1 to 4 so that it can be lifted up and out of the drive coupling for the vacuum pump.

Camshafts, cylinder bank 1 to 4

Camshafts, cylinder bank 5 to 8

Installing camshafts


A data matrix coding is shown on the staking dihedron of the camshafts. This is a square black/white dotted marking used for electronic identification purposes during the production process. This marking can be used as an aid when inserting the camshafts into the cylinder head. All four camshafts press against the valves the least when the data matrix coding is facing upwards during installation.

1. Insert camshafts so that the minimum amount of pressure is exerted on the valve springs and lubricate bearing locations with normal multipurpose grease or engine oil => Camshaft position for cylinders 1 to 4 => Camshaft position for cylinders 5 to 8 (high-pressure pump shown fitted).

Camshaft position for cylinders 1 to 4

Camshaft position for cylinders 5 to 8 (high-pressure pump shown fitted)

Camshaft identification on V8 turbo engine

Camshaft identification on V8 naturally aspirated engine

2. Position bearing covers correctly and screw down. The bearing covers are numbered and marked with E (intake) or A (outlet) => Camshaft bearing cover identification. Fit camshaft bearing covers evenly and gradually, and slowly tighten to the specified tightening torque. The camshafts must not be strained or tilted. Outlet camshafts and intake camshafts (also bank-specific) cannot be used interchangeably because of the bearing locations and length.

Camshaft bearing cover identification

Camshaft mount, cylinder bank 1 to 4

Camshaft mount, cylinder bank 5 to 8

Subsequent work

Complete Steps 1 and 2 together. Set the timing before completing the final tightening of the camshaft controllers and sprockets.-> 150516 Setting camshaft timing on 4.8-litre DFI engines Procedures
1. Install camshaft controllers for timing adjustment.
2. Install camshaft timing gears for timing adjustment.
3. The high-pressure pump must be fitted after installing the intake camshaft for cylinder bank 5 to 8. -> 246319 Removing and installing DFI high-pressure pump - section on "Installing" 246319 Removing and installing DFI high-pressure pump
4. Install valve cover. -> 158219 Removing and installing cylinder head cover (valve cover) on 4.8-litre DFI engines - section on "Installing" Removal and Replacement.