Valves, Valve Springs
Valves, Valve Springs
The intake and outlet valves on the Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo have a shaft diameter of -> length: 6 mm. The intake and outlet valves are bi-metallic, i.e. the materials used for the valve plate and the lower part of the valve stem are different to those used for the upper part of the valve stem. In addition, the outlet valves on the Cayenne Turbo are filled with sodium.
The intake valve springs on the Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo are identical. They are designed as a conical double valve spring set. This gives a very compact design. The outlet valve springs on the Cayenne S are conical single valve springs. The Cayenne Turbo features cylindrical double-valve spring sets to ensure that the outlet valves close, even at higher pressures in the exhaust system.