Fuel Delivery and Air Induction: Service and Repair
WM 2001IN Bleed fuel system (First start function).
Explanation of First start function
After working on the fuel system, air in the system makes it more difficult to build up fuel high pressure.
The First start function saves time by:
- Starting at low pressure.
- Displaying the fuel high pressure diagnosis.
- Allowing air to escape more quickly via the injectors.
- Preventing fault entries or replacement measures while pressure is building up.
Run the First start function following all removal and installation work on the high-pressure system if the fuel system was opened.
Bleeding high-pressure system
Performing First start routine
- The process in the Tester always works only once for each vehicle selection.
- To repeat the process, the ignition and Tester must be switched off.
The bleeding process is performed via the First start function using the PIWIS Tester 9718.
1. PIWIS Tester 9718 must be connected to the vehicle. Switch on ignition and Tester.
2. Start the diagnostic program, select the vehicle and highlight the DME option during control unit selection. Press F12>> to start the control unit search.
Control unit search
3. Find and select the Special functions menu item. Press F12>> to continue.
Special functions menu item
4. Select First start in the menu and press F12>> to continue.
First start menu item
4.1. The following message is displayed. Press F12>> to continue.
5. The next menu item shows what to do next. The sequence must be adhered to because otherwise, the function cannot be guaranteed.
5.1. Activate the function routine by pressing F8=Start. Check how long it takes to run the function.
Starting the routine
5.2. Then start the engine.
5.3. The function ends automatically after one minute.
Routine is running
6. Switch off the engine and the Tester.
7. Pull off the Tester cable at the connection point.