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Front Bumper: Service and Repair

WM 631019 Removing and installing front bumper

Technical values

Preliminary work

1. Remove front apron. -> 631519 Removing and installing front apron - section on "Removing"


Only open for vehicles with garage door function.

2. Remove control unit for garage door opener. -> 967919 Removing and installing garage door opener control unit - section on "Removing" 96791900 Removing and installing garage door opener control unit

Removing front bumper

Installation position of front bumper

1. Unscrew fastening screws -1- and remove bumper -2-.

Removing the front bumper

Installing front bumper

Installation position of front bumper

1. Position bumper -2-.

Installing the front bumper

2. Screw in fastening screws -1- and tighten to the specified tightening torque. Tightening torque => Final tightening: 63 ftlb.

Subsequent work


Only open for vehicles with garage door function.

1. Install control unit for garage door opener. -> 967919 Removing and installing garage door opener control unit - section on "Installing" 96791900 Removing and installing garage door opener control unit
2. Install front apron. -> 631519 Removing and installing front apron - section on "Installing"