The gearshift swinging forks are actuated hydraulically via the shifting unit using the shifting pistons and are used to shift the synchronizers and thus to change gears. They transfer the shifting forces generated in the actuator hydraulics to the synchronizers' operating elements. Each gearshift swinging fork actuates two synchronizers and therefore two gears. Once the gear is engaged, the gearshift swinging fork is depressurized. The gear is held securely and without strain by detent in traction/deceleration mode by positive engagement of the toothing. Each gearshift swinging fork has an aluminum sender (7) for recording signals via the transmission distance sensors.
There are two different stipulations when numbering the gearshift swinging forks. The numbers must be counted once according to the specification for the transmission software and once according to the geometric arrangement of the gearshift swinging forks in the transmission, beginning with the clutch bell-housing. The distance sensors and therefore the gearshift swinging fork travel are also arranged according to this specification.
Shifting Interlock
The gearshift swinging forks in a transmission are locked against each other. In transmission 2, gearshift swinging fork 3 (1st/3rd gear) is locked against gearshift swinging fork 4 (5th/7th gear. In transmission 1, gearshift swinging fork 1 (4th/6th gear) is locked against gearshift swinging fork 2 (2nd/reverse gear.
The gearshift swinging forks are locked in the neutral and end positions. The shift throw from neutral into the locked engaged positions of the gears is nominally the same for all gearshift swinging forks. The mechanical neutral position is nominally 0 mm shift throw, in accordance with the characteristic of the transmission sensors.