682519 Removing and installing rear centre console
WM 682519 Removing and installing rear centre console
Technical values
Preliminary work
1. Remove front centre console. -> 681719 Removing and installing centre console - section on "Removing" 681719 Removing and installing centre console
2. Remove rear seat. -> 724819 Removing and installing rear seat - section on "Removing" 724819 Removing and installing rear seat
3. Remove rear air-conditioning system regulator. -> 881119 Removing and installing rear air-conditioning system regulator - section on "Removing" 881119 Removing and installing rear air-conditioning system regulator
4. Remove rear belt lock on both sides. -> 692519 Removing and installing rear belt lock - section on "Removing" 692519 Removing and installing rear belt lock
Removing rear centre console
Installation position
1. Unclip electric plug connection from the centre console bracket. Use a screwdriver to release the catch -1- at the top and bottom and pull off the connector -2-.
Pulling off connector
2. Unscrew fastening screws -1- at the front.
Loosening screws on front centre console
3. Unscrew fastening screws -1- at the rear and remove centre console -2-.
Loosening screws on rear centre console
Installing rear centre console
1. Position rear centre console -2- and screw in fastening screws -1- by hand, but do not tighten yet.
Rear screws
2. Screw in fastening screws -1- at the front. => Tightening torque: 3.2 Nm (2 ftlb.)+/-0.5 Nm (+/-0.5 ftlb.)
Front screws
3. Screw in rear fastening screws. => Tightening torque: 3.2 Nm (2 ftlb.)+/-0.5 Nm (+/-0.5 ftlb.)
4. Plug in electric plug connection until it engages securely -arrow-. Clip electric plug connection into the centre console bracket.
Inserting connector
Subsequent work
1. Install front centre console. -> 681719 Removing and installing centre console - section on "Installing" 681719 Removing and installing centre console
2. Install rear belt lock on both sides. -> 692519 Removing and installing rear belt lock - section on "Installing" 692519 Removing and installing rear belt lock
3. Install rear air-conditioning system regulator. -> 881119 Removing and installing rear air-conditioning system regulator - section on "Installing" 881119 Removing and installing rear air-conditioning system regulator
4. Install rear seat. -> 724819 Removing and installing rear seat - section on "Installing" 724819 Removing and installing rear seat