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Auxiliary Cabin Heater Control Module: Service and Repair

WM 821819 Removing and installing control unit for auxiliary heater

Preliminary work

1. Remove trim panel for tailgate. -> 709219 Removing and installing trim panel for tailgate - section on "Removing" Service and Repair

Removing control unit for auxiliary heater

1. Unscrew fastening screws -2- on control unit for auxiliary heater -1-.

Detaching control unit

2. Release plug connections -arrow A- and pull them off -arrow B-.

Disconnecting plug connections

Installing control unit for auxiliary heater

1. Connect plug connections until they engage securely.

Connecting plug connections

2. Screw in fastening screws -2- on control unit for auxiliary heater -1-.

Securing control unit

Subsequent work

1. Install trim panel for tailgate. -> 709219 Removing and installing trim panel for tailgate - section on "Installing" Service and Repair.