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Replacing Front Door

Technical values

Disassembling front door

1. Remove front door sub-frame.
2. Remove front window shaft seal.
3. Remove rear-view mirror.
4. Remove front door lock.
5. Remove front door handle.
6. Remove bottom rubber seal for front door.
7. Remove front door.
8. Remove front door arrester.

9. Unscrew ball joint for front door arrester.
10. Remove section of front door hinge at the door side.

Assembling front door

1. Install front rubber seal for front door.
2. Install section of front door hinge at the door side.
3. Install front door.

4. Screw in ball joint for front door arrester
- Tightening torque: 46 Nm (34 ftlb.)±5 Nm (±3.5 ftlb.).

5. Install front door arrester.
6. Install front window channel seal.
7. Install rear-view mirror.
8. Install front door handle.
9. Install front door lock.
10. Install front door sub-frame.
11. Install bottom rubber seal for front door.
12. Adjust the front door.