Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Interior Trim - New Upholstery Material


Microfiche Discrepancy
14 38
01/92-0179 858

Subject: New Upholstery Material

Application: 900 US Edition 7, Grid 4-B08

New upholstery material with different characteristics are being introduced into production. See the new listing for trim colors E41 and H41. Corrected listing will appear on Edition 8 of the microfiche.

1) Carefully align the appropriate microfiche card on the matrix.

2) The black square will appear directly on the grid(s) to be marked.

3) Using a red "El Marko" permanent pen (or similar type) mark the fiche square(s).


If you use a fine tipped pen you can write the position number where the error is. This will save looking up microfiche discrepancies unnecessarily.

Unless fiche are correctly marked, the microfiche discrepancy system will be of little help in your parts department. Use the system and avoid costly ordering errors.