Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Headlining, Removal/Fitting


To remove

1. Release the press studs and Velcro fasteners securing the headlining side flaps at the back.

2. Undo the zip, release the strap and lower the rear screen.

3. Undo the retaining screws and remove the strip from the no.4 top-assembly crossmember.

4. Pull away the headlining from the adhesive tape holding it in place on the no.4 crossmember and let it hang free

5. Mark the position of the cover strip on the no.3 crossmember and ease the strip off.
6. Mark the position of the strip on the no. 2 crossmember and ease the strip oft.

7. Remove the screws from the finisher strip on the no.1 top-assembly crossmember.

8. Release the latching handle and remove the finisher strip (secured by adhesive tape).

9. Pull the headlining away from the adhesive tape holding it in position on the no. 1 crossmember and lift it out of the car.

To fit

1. Lift the headlining into position and press the plastic retaining strip onto the no. 2 crossmember of the top assembly. En- sure the strip is positioned centrally by lining up the marks made before the strip was removed.
If a new headlining is being installed, ensure that the retainer strip is equidistant from either end of the no.2 crossmember.

2. Using double-sided adhesive tape, press the headlining into position on the no. 1 crossmember and screw the finisher strip into place. Take care to align the finisher if it is bent.

3. Press the plastic retainer strip into position on the no. 3 crossmember. Ensure the strip is positioned centrally by lining up the marks made before the strip was removed.
If a new headlining is being installed, ensure that the retainer strip is equidistant from either end of the no.2 crossmember.

4. Press the headlining onto the double-sided adhesive tape on the no.4 crossmember and screw the metal strip into position. Note that the strap for the rear screen is retained by means of the middle screw.

5. Hang the rear screen from the strap and zip up the fastener.

6. Secure the headlining side panels at the rear by means of the press studs and Velcro fasteners.
7. Secure the Velcro fasteners along the side rails.