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Fuel Filter: Service and Repair


The filter and reservoir are an integral unit and can- not be replaced individually.

1. Remove the pump, see "Fuel pump, removal and fitting". Fuel Pump

2. Remove the ejector pump from the reservoir by using a screwdriver to ease back the prongs that prevent the ejector pump from turning.

Rotate the ejector pump a quarter-turn and withdraw it.

3. Separate the reservoir with filter from the top section.

4. Fit a new reservoir complete with filter unit and O-ring to the pump assembly.

5. Fit the ejector pump with a new O-ring. Insert the pump with the lugs facing outwards and then rotate it a quarter-turn so that the prongs engage the "pimple" on the reservoir.

6. Fit the pump, see "Fuel pump, removal and fitting". Fuel Pump