Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Steering: Service Precautions

The steering wheel center pad and belt tensioners on 9000 models are classified as explosive (pyrotechnic) items and must be handled as indicated below and in compliance with federal and local laws and regulations.
The pyrotechnic items must be installed immediately after they have been taken out of storage. If work is interrupted, retun pyrotechnic items to storeroom and lock them up. Under no circumstances may the pyrotechnic items be left out and unattended.
1. The airbag is a closed unit. Do not attempt to disassemble or repair it under any circumstances.
2. The airbag may not be stored at a temperature higher than 158°F. At temperatures above 275°F, there is a risk of self-detonation.
3. Handle airbag carefully so that it is not exposed to impacts or vibrations.
4. When airbag is not installed in steering wheel, it must be stored in compliance with federal and local regulations governing the storage of pyrotechnic items.
5. The airbag must be stored and carried with the black case facing up in order to prevent injury in event of accidental detonation.
6. Do not store airbag together with petroleum products or other flammable material.
7. Wear safety goggles and protective gloves during removal of a detonated airbag. Place airbag in a tightly sealed plastic bag. The airbag surface may contain deposits of sodium hydroxide, a by-product of the gas generated during deployment. Because sodium hydroxide is irritating to the skin, wash your hands in mild soap solution and lukewarm water after handling a detonated airbag.