Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Fig. 2 Toe-in Adjustment Vehicle Position:

Fig. 3 Toe-in Adjustment:

1. Roll vehicle straight forward on level floor and stop without using brakes.
2. Take a reading at dimension ``A,'' Fig. 2, using a toe-in gauge between the front wheel rims level with axle. Mark measurement parts with chalk.
3. Roll vehicle forward until chalk marks are level with, but behind, axles and take reading of B, Fig. 2. Any necessary adjustment is made by altering length of tie rod.
4. Remove rubber bellows to track rod retaining clip.
5. Push rubber bellows toward steering gear housing to expose groove in which bellows seals.
6. Measure distance A, Fig. 3. Distance A should not exceed 3.94 (100mm) on 900 models, or 5.51 inches (140mm) on 9000 models.
7. Perform steps 4 through 6 on opposite side of vehicle, then compare measurements calculated at each side of vehicle. Difference between measurements must not exceed .079 inch (2mm).
8. If necessary to adjust, loosen nut on outer end of tie rod, then rotate tie rod until distance A, is as specified.
9. Torque tie rod end locknuts to 46-56 ft. lbs.