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Control Module: Testing and Inspection

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The following contains specified values and directions for measuring signals and levels on the transmission control module. Point to remember:

- Measurements are to be carried out using a Breakout Box (BOB) connected between the control module and its connector.

- A test reading of 12 V is to be regarded as a voltage level, not an absolute value.
- For instance, in the case of solenoid 1-2/3-4 (S1) (pin 1), solenoid 2-3 (S2) (pin 3) and solenoid lock-up (SL) (pin 19) about 0.7-1.5 V is lost internally in the control module.
- Readings taken across these pins and ground (pin 35) will then show current battery voltage less 0.7-1.5 V, which is indicated in the tables shown.

- A test reading of 0 V is to be regarded as a voltage level and not an absolute value.
- Where the DRIVE signal (pin 11) is concerned, in the worst case, about 0.5-1.5 V will be lost internally in the control module.
- A reading taken across the relevant control module pin and ground (pin 35) will then show less than 1.5 V, which is indicated in the table shown.

- Test readings should always be used with discrimination. All test readings are approximate.

- Test readings %(+) and ms(+) indicate the signal's pulse ratio and pulse duration.
- A test instrument capable of measuring pulse ratio and pulse width must be used. The sign denotes a positive trigger pulse, TRIG+.

- All test readings are in respect of a warmed-up engine/transmission.

- The specified test readings refer to those obtained with a calibrated Fluke 88/97, or equivalent test meter.