Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

B. Free Play In The Antenna Mast

Free play/poor contact between the various sections of the antenna mast may occur. Check this as described below:

1. Switch on the radio and let the antenna extend to its fullest height.

2. Take a resistance reading across the top of the antenna mast and the center pin of the antenna/aerial connector.

3. If the reading obtained is more than 30 ohms the antenna/aerial mast should be changed.

4. Connect the antenna cable.

5. Tighten the nut at the base of the antenna mast (unless this has already been done) and then the two nuts securing the antenna/aerial.

It is important that the two nuts that secure the antenna/aerial bracket are loose before trying to tighten the nut at the base of the antenna/aerial mast. This assures that the grounding plate is free to make contact with the body panel.

6. Refit the luggage compartment trim.

7. If the antenna mast is dirty it can be wiped clean with a cloth (do not lubricate it with wax, silicone, or oil).

8. Continue as described in point C.