Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Warranty Information

Warranty Information:

To resolve a customer complaint for a vehicle in warranty, submit a claim using the following information:

A Inspect/change antenna

Failed part: 36741

Reason: 08

Type of coverage: 01/06

Check Change

Location 0 0

Type of repair 08 01

Labor operation straight time 0.1 36741-0.2

B Check/change antenna

Failed part: 36743

Reason: 68

Type of coverage: 01/06

Check Change

Location 0 0

Type of repair 08 01

Labor operation straight time 0.1 36743-0.2


Checking/fitting interference suppression kit

Failed part: 36568

Reason: 68

Type of coverage: 01/06

Check Change

Location 0 0

Type of repair 08 10

Labor operation straight time 0.1 36568-0.3

C2.1 Main instrument display

Check/change processor card

Failed part: 38111/38112

Reason: 68

Type of coverage: 01/06

Check Change

Location 0 0

Type of repair 08 01

Labor operation straight time 0.1 38129-0.8

C2.2 Trionic

Checking/fitting interference suppression kit

Failed part: 24810

Reason: 68

Type of coverage: 01/06

Check Change

Location 0 0

Type of repair 08 10

Labor operation straight time 0.1 24810-0.2 +
straight time 0.2

C2.3 ICE

Checking/fitting interference suppression kit

Failed part: 36580

Reason: 68

Type of coverage: 01/06

Check Change

Location 0 0

Type of repair 08 10

Labor operation straight time 0.1 36568-0.3 +
straight time 0.1

C3 ignition system interference

Checking/fitting grounding braids

Failed part: 36710

Reason: 68

Type of coverage: 01/06


Location 0

Type of repair 10

Labor operation straight time 0.5