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Symptoms - Front Drive Axle

Symptoms - Front Drive Axle

Before beginning diagnosis, review the system description and operation in order to familiarize yourself with the system functions. Refer to Front Drive Axle Description and Operation (Front Drive Axle).

Noise Diagnosis

Any gear-driven unit produces a certain amount of noise that is normal and that conventional repairs or adjustment cannot eliminate. Slight noise that is heard only at a certain speed or under unusual or remote conditions is acceptable. For example, this noise tends to reach a peak at speeds from 60-100 km/h (40-60 mph) depending upon road and load conditions, or upon gear ratio and tire size. Noise of this kind does not indicate trouble in the axle assembly.

When an axle is suspected of being noisy, make a thorough test in order to determine whether the noise originates in the tires, road surface, wheel bearings, engine, transmission, propeller shaft, or axle assembly.

Classifying the Symptom

Front Drive Axle symptoms can usually be classified into the following categories:

* Leaks
* Noises
* Vibrations

Leak and noise related symptoms are diagnosed within the Front Drive Axle section. For vibration related symptoms, refer to Diagnostic Starting Point - Vibration Diagnosis and Correction (Diagnostic Starting Point - Vibration Diagnosis and Correction).

Visual/Physical Inspection

* Inspect the system for loose or missing fasteners.
* Inspect the system for loose or leaking components.
* Inspect the system for obvious damage or conditions which may cause the symptom.

Symptoms List

Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the following list in order to diagnose the symptom.

* Front Drive Axle Noises (Front Drive Axle Noises)
* Noisy in Drive (Noisy in Drive)
* Noisy When Coasting (Noisy When Coasting)
* Intermittent Noise (Intermittent Noise)
* Constant Noise (Constant Noise)
* Noisy on Turns (Noisy on Turns)
* Front Axle Lubricant Leak Diagnosis (Front Axle Lubricant Leak Diagnosis)