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False Alarm Due to Glass Breakage Coil

False Alarm Due To Glass Breakage Coil

Cars affected
9-3 5D

The alarm may be incorrectly triggered due to poor contact in the connectors for the glass breakage coils (765).
Interchange of heat or vibration for example may also be factors triggering the alarm accidentally.

Fault symptom

^ The alarm is triggered accidentally.
^ SID message "Anti-theft alarm activated".
^ The fault may be permanent or intermittent.

^ Diagnostic trouble code B0283 05 "Glass breakage coil, open circuit/short circuit to B+".

If diagnostic trouble code B0283 05 is generated then there is no fault in the anti-theft alarm sensor, UAM (690).

^ Read out of alarm cause = "Glass breakage coil". If no diagnostic trouble code has been generated, the windows are intact but the car nevertheless triggered the anti-theft alarm.

NOTE: The fault may be in the cable, but it is likely that it is a poor contact in the connectors for the glass breakage coils (765).

1. Unplug the female connector from the male connector.

IMPORTANT: Handle the cable with care.

2. The male connector is affixed to the window and consists of two sections. Check that the outer section is not loose, use your fingertips, nail and turn. Position the male connector parallel with the window.
3. Spray the female connector with contact spray.
4. Plug the female connector into the male connector. The connector must snap in. Tighten the female connector if necessary.
5. Carry out steps 1 to 4 for the other connectors for the glass breakage coils.

Fault diagnosis procedure is not available.