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Control Module, Door

Control Module, Door

To remove

1. Perform Preparations prior to removing a control module.
2. Remove the Front door trim.
3. Lay the side of the door on a clean and soft surface.
4. When changing the driver door module: Remove the cell block from under the door module.
5. When changing the driver door module: Remove door trim screw.

6. Remove the door module using a screwdriver. First undo the rear clip.
Then undo the clips on the outer and inner sides of the door module. Pull the module carefully back/down.

To fit

1. Fit the door module pressing it obliquely upward so that the clip engages.

2. When changing the driver door module: Fit the door trim screw.
3. When changing the driver door module: Affix the cell block with double-sided tape. The use of 16-30 20 807 is recommended.
4. Make sure the door trim clips are in place and intact. Replace the clips if necessary.
5. Fit the door trim.
6. Cars with pinch protection: Perform Programming of the pinch protection.
7. If the control module has been changed, perform Measures after changing the control module