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28. Park Pawl Actuator Shaft Front Bearing Replacement

Park Pawl Actuator Shaft Front Bearing Replacement

- Tools Required
- DT 46424 Adjustable Bearing Remover
- DT 46516 Driver
- EN 46342 Driver Handle
- SA9133TAxle Seal Puller
- SA9133T-1 Axle Seal Puller Adapter


1. Using the DT 46424 (1) and SA9133T- 1 (2), remove the park pawl actuator shaft front bearing (134) from the transmission torque converter housing (150).
2. Inspect the bearing for wear or damage Replace the bearing if necessary.


Using the 25 mm side of the DT 46516 (1) and EN 46342 (2), install the 12 mm x 24 mm x 6 mm park pawl actuator shaft front bearing (134) until it bottoms out flush in the transmission torque converter housing (150),