Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

PCM Learning Ability

The PCM has a learning ability that allows it to make corrections for minor variations in the fuel system to improve drive ability and engine idle. If the battery is disconnected, or the PCM is replaced, the PCM must go through a learning process. Until the PCM has gone through this learning process, a change may be noted in the driveability, idle or shift feel (Automatic Transaxle only) of the vehicle. To allow the PCM to relearn, the following steps must be performed:
^ Start the vehicle and run the engine until normal operating temperature is obtained.
^ Drive the vehicle at part throttle, with moderate acceleration and idle conditions until normal performance returns.
^ Park the vehicle and engage the parking brake with engine running.
^ On vehicles equipped with an automatic transaxle, place the transaxle in Drive.
On vehicles equipped with a manual transaxle, place the transaxle in Neutral.
^ Allow the vehicle to idle for about two minutes, until engine idle stabilizes. Make sure engine is at operating temperature.