Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Service Procedure


The driver side of the 3-door Coupe does not require this torque verification procedure. This procedure must he performed to the driver side of the 2-door Coupe, Sedan, and Wagon and the passenger side of all vehicles. The illustrations show Sedan and Wagon vehicles. Two-door Coupe driver side and all passenger side of vehicles are similar.

1. Open front shoulder belt upper bolt cover by pulling outward at base of cover.

2. Verify torque of front shoulder belt upper bolt, using a T50 socket and torque wrench.

Torque: 50 N.m (37 ft-lbs)

- If front shoulder belt upper bolt reached specified torque without movement, proceed to step 6.

- If front shoulder belt tipper bolt moved prior to reaching the specified torque, continue to step 3.

3. Remove front shoulder belt upper bolt.

Apply LOCTITE 242(R) threadlocker or equivalent to all restraint fasteners prior to installation.

4. Apply Loctite 242(R) Threadlocker (or equivalent) to front shoulder belt upper bolt threads.

5. Install and torque front shoulder belt upper bolt.

Torque: 50 N.m (37 ft-lbs)

6. Close front shoulder belt upper bolt cover.

7. Repeat steps 1-6 for opposite side of vehicle.

8. Check front shoulder belt operation (driver and passenger side) and ensure belt is not twisted.

9. Affix Campaign Completion Label on a clean, dry surface of the radiator core support, in an area clearly visible when the hood is raised. (Refer to "Campaign Completion Label" information in this bulletin.)