31. Piston and Connecting Rod Assemble
- SA91O1E Piston Pin Remover/Installer
1. Perform the following steps to assemble the piston assembly to the connecting rod.
2. Install oil ring expander and two side rails by hand.
- The arrow on top of the piston must point toward front of the engine.
- Align number one compression ring gap at 6 o'clock (1).
- Align number two compression ring gap at 12 o'clock (2).
- Align upper oil control side rail gap at 1 o'clock (3).
- Align oil ring spacer expander at the 9 o'clock (4).
- Align lower oil control side rail gap at 5 o'clock (5).
3. The bumps on the connecting rod must face towards flex plate.
4. Assemble piston to connecting rod.
IMPORTANT: The arrow on the piston points toward the front of the engine and the bump on the connecting rod faces toward the rear of the engine.
5. Perform the following steps to assemble piston pin to connecting rod and piston.
5.1. Use the Piston Pin Remover/Installer SA9lOlE to assemble piston pin to the connecting rod and piston, if necessary.
5.2. Install piston pin clips in piston.