Parking Brake Lever: Service and Repair
1. Disable SIR System.
2. Remove console.
3. Remove park brake lever cover.
4. Remove electrical connector from park brake switch.
5. Remove park brake adjuster nut.
6. Remove rear park brake cables from equalizer and pull them away from park brake base.
7. Remove front park brake equalizer/cable assembly from park brake lever.
8. Remove park brake-to-floor retaining fasteners.
NOTICE: Do not contact the SIR System's Sensing and Diagnostic Module (SDM) when removing park brake lever assembly from vehicle.
9. Remove park brake lever assembly from floor.
10. Remove brake switch screw, then remove brake switch.
IMPORTANT: Save J-nuts from old park brake lever assembly. They will need to be re-installed on the new assembly.
11. Remove three J-nuts from park brake lever assembly. Save nuts to use on new assembly.
NOTICE: Do not contact the SIR System's Sensing and Diagnostic Module (SDM) when installing park brake lever assembly into vehicle.
1. Install park brake lever assembly onto floor and install park brake lever assembly fasteners.
Torque: Park Brake Lever Assembly-to-Floor: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
2. Install three J-nuts onto park brake lever assembly.
3. Place park brake switch into position. Secure by installing brake switch screw.
Torque: Park Brake Switch Screw: 4 Nm (35 inch lbs.)
4. Connect park brake switch electrical connector.
5. Install front park brake equalizer/cable assembly into lever assembly and install adjuster nut.
6. Lower park brake lever and route rear park brake cables into park brake base and install into equalizer.
7. Adjust park brake.
8. Install park brake lever cover.
9. Install console.
10. Enable SIR System.