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Windshield Washer Solvent Container & Pump - (1ST Design)


1. From under car, disconnect wiring harness from pump and remove lower fastener.

2. Remove upper solvent container fastener.

NOTE: Use caution when removing hoses from washer system components to avoid spilling washer fluid on painted surfaces.

3. Lift solvent container and remove fluid hose from pump, making sure to capture spilling solvent.
4. Remove solvent container from vehicle.

NOTE: Do not reuse washer fluid as debris may clog the system.

5. Empty fluid into holding container and remove pump from solvent container by pulling firmly on pump.


1. Install pump to solvent container.

2. Install fluid hose to pump.
3. Apply Loctite(R) 242 Threadlocker (or equivalent) to solvent container fasteners.
4. Install solvent container to vehicle and install upper fastener.

5. From under vehicle, connect wiring harness to pump and install lower fastener.
6. Fill solvent container with windshield washer solvent.
7. Check that pump operates properly.