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Case Side Cover Seal Replacement

Case Side Cover Seal Replacement

Tools Required

* J 41227 Output Shaft Sleeve Remover
* J 41228 Output Shaft Seal Installer
* J 41102-1A Axle Seal Installer

Removal Procedure

Caution: Refer to Vehicle Lifting Caution.

1. Raise the vehicle.
2. Remove the drive axle assembly.

3. Use a medium screwdriver and a mallet in order to remove the case cover seal.

4. Remove the drive axle retaining clip from the output axle.

5. Use the J 41227 in order to remove the sleeve from the output axle shaft.
6. Clean and inspect the seal bore.
7. Use fine sand paper in order to remove any burrs or nicks. Clean the entire area after any sanding.

Installation Procedure

1. Use the J 41102-1A and a mallet in order to install the new case cover seal.

2. Use the J 41228 in order to install a new sleeve on the output axle. Install the J 41228 so that the collar is in the snap ring groove.

3. Install the axle shaft retaining clip onto the output axle.
4. Install the drive axle assembly.
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Inspect the shaft sleeve for leaks.
7. Inspect the transmission oil level.