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Distributor Replace

NOTE: Be careful to ensure that match marks are placed on the distributor body and the engine to guarantee proper replacement of distributor.

1. Remove wires from distributor cap.
2. Remove distributor vacuum line from distributor vacuum controller, if equipped.
3. Disconnect primary wire.
4. Remove distributor retaining bolt and remove distributor.
5. Remove O-ring.
6. To install distributor, proceed as follows:
a. Remove timing hole plug and align the correct mark on the flywheel with the arrow on the flywheel housing.
b. Insert O-ring onto distributor.
c. Align the pinion and housing marks.
d. Install distributor into crankcase.
e. Install distributor retaining bolt..
f. Connect distributor vacuum line and wiring.
g. Run engine and check timing with a suitable timing light.