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Fig.1 Carbureter exploded view.:

1. Install switch vent solenoid valve with O-rings, Fig. 1.
2. Install primary slow air bleed.
3. Install needle valve case with washer, then install float with needle valve and float shaft. Adjust float as described under "Fuel Level, Adjust."
4. Install accelerator pump piston and cover.
5. Install power valve and washer.
6. Install primary and secondary main jets, then install float chamber drain plugs and lock plate.
7. Install primary slow jet, then install plug.
8. Install secondary slow jet, then install air bleed.
9. Install primary and secondary main air bleeds.
10. Position adjusting plate, lever, washer sleeve and other components onto throttle valve shaft, then install throttle adjusting screw and spring
11. Assemble float chamber to throttle chamber with insulator and gaskets.
12. Attach throttle valve shaft spring to float chamber body.
13. Install idle adjusting screw and spring. Do not install plug until after completing idle speed and mixture adjustments with carburetor installed on vehicle.
14. Install secondary diaphragm and gasket, then attach diaphragm lever with snap ring.
15. Install injector weight, ball and piston return spring. Install return spring with hook portion facing downward.
16. Install anti-dieseling solenoid with plunger, spring and washer.
17. Install choke chamber to float chamber with gasket and clamps.
18. Install cam connecting rod with cotter pins and washers.
19. Connect accelerator pump rod to pump lever, then install pump lever with screw, spring, washer and spring washer.
20. Check to ensure that all linkages move freely.