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Crankshaft Position Sensor: Description and Operation

Crank Angle Sensor Pick-Up:

The crank angle sensors generate a frequency signal used by the ECU to determine piston location.

The sensors are located on the front of the engine, above the crankshaft pulley.

Crank Angle Sensor 1:

Crank Angle Sensor 2:

Both sensors generate a signal whenever the engine is rotating. As a tooth on the crankshaft pulley passes below the sensing head, a small electrical pulse is generated.

Sensor #1 generates 12 equal pulses during each crankshaft revolution. This sensor pulse is used to determine proper injection timing.

Sensor Interpretation:

Sensor #2 generates either 1, 2 or 3 pulses at a time depending on crankshaft position. By combining this signal with the cam sensor signal, all cylinders can be identified.