Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Vehicle Damage Warnings


- Always use a new O-ring.
- In order to keep the O-rings free of lint which will cause a refrigerant gas leak, perform operations without gloves and cloth.
- Apply compressor oil to O-rings to avoid sticking, before installation.
- Use a torque wrench to tighten the O-ring fittings.
Over-tightening will result in damage of O-ring and tube end distortion.

- If the operation is interrupted before completing a pipe connection; recap the tubes, components and fittings with a plug or tape to prevent foreign matter from entering.
- Visually check the surfaces and mating surfaces of O-rings, threads and connecting points. If a failure is found, replace the applicable parts.

- Install the O-rings at right angle to tube beads.

- Use compressor oil specified in the service manual to lubricate the O-rings.
Apply oil to the top and sides of O-rings before installation.
Apply compressor oil to the bead of tube.
- After tightening, use a clean cloth to remove excess compressor oil from the connections and any oil which may have run on the vehicle body or other parts.
- If any leakage is suspected after tightening, do not further tighten the connections, but disconnect the connections, remove the O-rings, and check the O-rings, threads, and connections.