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Audio System - Noise With Rear Defogger ON

NUMBER: 15-126-07

DATE: 02/13/08

All Models

Radio Static When Rear Window Defogger Is On


If you encounter a customer complaint of radio static when the radio and rear window defogger are on at the same time, there is the possibility of a break in one or more of the defogger grids. When the grid is broken, a high resistance field is created at the break point which can create static on some radio stations. The level of resistance is usually high enough to create a field of interference which projects out from the glass. The break can be detected visually or by using a portable radio.


Permatex(R) Quick Grid(TM) Rear Window Defogger Repair Kit, part If 15067, used for repairing damaged rear window defogger grids, is available at local automotive parts stores


There are certain factors that could lead to unsuccessful testing. Examples are: overhead fluorescent lights, telegraph poles, high tension lines, weather conditions, etc. Testing should be performed outdoors on a clear day. Also, there is the possibility that the static may not be duplicated due to the location of the vehicle. If that is the case, you may want to move the vehicle to a different location when testing. We highly discourage the use of accessory window tinting. If the vehicle is equipped with it, do not continue with the procedure.

^ Using a portable radio, set the radio to the same frequency and station being disturbed by static. From the outside of the vehicle, slowly move the radio's antenna across the defogger grids. When interference is encountered, inspect that specific area closely for a break. Depending upon the size of the break, a magnifying glass and/or eyeloupe may be required.

^ Once the break is identified, it should be repaired using the Permatex(R) repair kit instead of replacing the rear glass.

Make sure to carefully read and follow the instructions and precautions that are included with the Permatex(R) repair kit.

^ The repaired area must be completely opaque and have a resistance reading of essentially zero (0) ohms across the repair.

^ There may be more than one break. If the first break repair does not eliminate the static, re-inspect and repair any other breaks as necessary.


For vehicles within the Basic New Car Limited Warranty period the warranty covers repairs needed to correct defects in material or workmanship.

Damage to the rear window defogger/antenna grid which is the result of an outside influence is not covered under warranty Examples are: improper cleaning of the glass, window tinting, scratches and/or cuts from objects coming in contact with the grids, etc

For vehicles within the Basic New Car Limited Warranty period, this repair can be claimed using the table above.
