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Functions Used In Vehicle's Behavior Stabilization Control


- "Braking control" is effected by the VDCCM as follows:
The VDCCM calculates the required braking force for each wheel and sends signals to the VDC hydraulic unit. The hydraulic unit's motor pump is then operated to generate the required hydraulic pressure. Further, it controls the hydraulic unit's solenoid valves to increase, maintain or decrease the hydraulic pressure applied to the brake wheel cylinder as required. When the brakes are applied by the driver, however, the braking force is controlled by the hydraulic pressure resulting from the driver's action.
- "Engine output control" is effected by the VDCCM as follows:
The VDCCM calculates the target engine output for each condition, and sends commands to the engine control module. The engine control module compares the target engine output with the current engine output. Based on the comparison, the throttle opening or fuel injection is controlled. The targeted engine output is then achieved.
- "AWD control" is effected by the VDCCM as follows:
When necessary, the VDCCM sends a command to the automatic transmission control module. According to the command, the transmission control module controls the transfer clutch so that the torque is distributed between the front and rear axles optimally.