Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Telltale Light


Part 1:

1. Turn signal indicator light
This light blinks in unison with the corresponding turn signal lights when the turn signal switch is operated.

2. Lighting switch indicator light
Turns on when the lighting switch is turned to the next position from OFF.

3. Headlight beam indicator
This light illuminates when the headlights are in the high-beam position.

4. Immobilizer indicator
This light illuminates when the immobilizer systems are armed.

5. Front fog light indicator light
This light illuminates when the front fog lights are ON.

6. CRUISE indicator light
This light illuminates when the cruise control main switch is turned ON.

7. SET indicator light
This light illuminates when the cruise control main switch is turned ON and the SET/COAST switch on the command switch is turned ON.

8. Vehicle dynamics control function indicator light
This light blinks when the vehicle dynamics control is operating.

9. AT selector lever position indicator (AT)
The indicator corresponding to the present AT select lever position illuminates when the ignition switch is in any position other than ACC and LOCK.

10. Sports shift indicator (AT)
Indicates the current gear position when sports shift is selected.

When everything is normal, the telltales should be ON, OFF or in other states as shown in the table according to ignition switch position.