Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Unit Overhaul


1. Remove boot and then circlip with piston pushed in.

2. Blow compressed air gradually into hole for pipe connection to remove piston assembly, using care to prevent it from jumping out.

Inspect all disassembled parts for wear or damage, and replace parts if necessary.

- Wash disassembled parts with brake fluid.
- Do not reuse piston assembly and circlip.

Inspect cylinder bore for scoring or corrosion. It is best to replace corroded cylinder. Corrosion can be identified as pits or excessive roughness.

NOTE: Polishing bore of cylinder with cast aluminum body with anything abrasive is prohibited, as damage to cylinder bore may occur.

Rinse cylinder in clean brake fluid. Shake excess rinsing fluid from cylinder. Do not use a cloth to dry cylinder, as lint from cloth cannot be kept away from cylinder bore surfaces.


NOTE: Before installation, wash each part in specified brake fluid.

1. Apply brake fluid to inside of piston assembly and cylinder body.
2. Install piston assembly into cylinder.

3. With piston pushed down, install circlip as shown in figure. And install boot.