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Compressor Clutch: Service and Repair

Fig. 1 Exploded view of typical clutch assembly. Nippondenso 10 cylinder compressor:

1. Remove shaft nut using 12 mm socket wrench and pressure plate holding bar, SST No. 5, Fig. 1.
2. Remove pressure plate using pressure plate remover SST No. 6.
3. Remove shims from shaft.
4. Remove pulley retaining snap ring using suitable snap ring pliers.
5. Remove pulley by gently tapping it with plastic hammer.
6. Disconnect stator lead wires from compressor housing.
7. Remove stator retaining snap ring using suitable snap ring pliers, then remove stator from compressor housing.
8. Remove bearing snap ring from pulley using suitable snap ring pliers.

Fig. 2 Removing bearings from pulley. Nippondenso 10 cylinder compressor:

9. Place pulley on bearing remover B, SST No. 2, and press out two bearings, Fig. 2.
10. Reverse procedure to install, adjusting clearance between pressure plate and pulley as follows:
a. If clearance is less than .016 inch, add to shim or replace shim with thicker one.
b. If clearance is more than .028 inch, reduce shim or replace shim with thinner one.
11. Torque shaft nut to 11-12.7 ft. lbs. using pressure plate holding bar, SST No. 5, and torque wrench.