Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Fig. 2 Side gear thrust washer identification chart. 1984-86 Tercel & 1987-88 Tercel wagon:

1. Install bearing onto drive pinion using tool No. 09608-20011 or equivalent.
2. To adjust side gear backlash, remove straight pin from differential, then remove pinion shaft, pinion gear, side gears and thrust washers. Select washers that will allow backlash of .0016-.0094 inch (.04-.24 mm). Refer to chart in Fig. 2 for selection of proper size washer. Assemble side gears, pinion gears, washers and shaft, then install straight pin.
3. Heat ring gear to 210°F, then install onto differential case. Torque ring gear retaining bolts to 67-75 ft. lbs. (9.2-10.5 kg-m).
4. install side gear bearings using tool No. 09608-20011 or equivalent.
5. Install new spacer onto drive pinion, then press drive pinion and rear bearing into case using tool No. 109612-22010 or equivalent. Press bearing in until .12 inch (.3 mm) of drive pinion threaded portion is visible.
6. Apply engine oil to threaded portion of drive pinion, then install bearing locknut and torque to 108 ft. lbs. (15 kg-m). Apply engine oil to bearing, then rotate drive pinion several times to snug down bearing.
7. Check drive pinion bearing preload by rotating bearing nut with torque wrench. If preload is not as specified in ``Drive Axle Specifications'' chart, proceed as follows: If preload is less than specified, tighten nut in increments of 5-10° until specified preload is obtained. If torque exceeds maximum of 267 ft. lbs. (37 kg-m), loosen nut and repeat procedure. If preload is greater than specified, replace bearing spacer.
8. Position transaxle case in workstand so that back side of ring gear faces downward.
9. Install bearing races, then install washer on back side of ring gear. Install differential assembly into case. Check to ensure that ring gear has slight amount of backlash.

Fig. 3 Ring gear washer identification chart. 1984-86 Tercel & 1987-88 Tercel wagon:

10. Using suitable dial indicator check for ring gear backlash of .0039 inch (.1 mm). Refer to chart in Fig. 3 and select washer that will obtain specified backlash. Select a washer from chart in Fig. 3 that will, when placed on tooth side of ring gear, eliminate all clearance between outer race and case.
11. Remove differential assembly from case, then install selected ring gear back side washer into case. Install differential into case, then install upper washer onto differential. Check for ring gear backlash of .0039-.0059 inch (.1-.15 mm).
12. If backlash is not as specified in step 11, adjust by increasing or decreasing size of washers on both sides of differential by an equal amount. At no time should there be clearance between side washer and case. Check to ensure that ring gear backlash is present.
13. After adjusting backlash to obtain amount specified in step 11, remove ring gear teeth side washer and measure thickness. Install new washer .0024-.0035 inch (.6-.09 mm) thicker than washer removed.
14. Install selected washer, then check for ring gear backlash of .0039-.0059 inch (.1-.15 mm). If reading is not as specified, adjust by increasing or decreasing size of washers on both sides by an equal amount. Backlash will change approximately .008 inch (.02 mm) with every .0012 inch (.03 mm) alteration of side washers.
15. Install side bearing caps and torque bolts to 33-39 ft. lbs. (4.5-5.5 kg-m) greater than pinion preload. Apply gear oil to pinion bearing, then rotate pinion several times.
16. Measure preload by rotating pinion nut with torque wrench. Total preload should be 2.4-4.3 inch lbs. (3-5 kg-m). If reading cannot be obtained, adjust by changing ring gear teeth side washer.
17. Measure ring gear backlash at three locations on ring gear. Backlash should be .0039-.0059 inch (.1-.15 mm). If reading cannot be obtained, adjust by increasing or decreasing washers on both sides by an equal amount.

Fig. 4 Ring gear and pinion tooth contact inspection:

Fig. 5 Drive pinion plate washer identification chart. 1984-86 Tercel & Tercel wagon:

18. Apply red lead to ring gear teeth and rotate ring gear several times. Check gear teeth contact points, Fig. 4. If excessive toe contact exists, replace drive pinion plate washer with thinner one. If excessive heel contact exists, replace drive pinion washer with thicker one. Refer to chart in Fig. 5 for plate washer sizes. Changing plate washer thickness .0039 inch (.10 mm) will change center of tooth contact by 1/8 of total tooth surface.
19. If flank or face contact of gear teeth exists, adjust side washers by equal amounts. If excessive flank contact, adjust backlash to maximum of .0059 inch (.15 mm). If excessive heel contact, adjust backlash to minimum of .0039 inch (.10 mm).

Fig. 6 Oil seal installed position. 1984-86 Tercel & 1987-88 Tercel wagon:

20. Install oil seal until distance A is .331-.354 inch (8.4-9 mm), Fig. 6.
21. Install differential cover and on vehicles equipped with manual transaxle, install oil reservoir. On vehicle equipped with automatic transmission, install governor pressure adapter, governor body and snap ring.