Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Fig. 1 Front drive axle assembly. 1984-86 Tercel & 1987-88 Tercel wagon:

1. Install transaxle assembly in suitable workstand.
2. Remove differential cover, Fig. 1, then remove oil seal with tool No. 09308-00010 or equivalent.
3. Remove side bearing cap and washer. Remove ring gear side washer first using tool No. 09504-2010 or equivalent. Remove bearing races and identify races, washers and caps for assembly in original position.
4. On vehicles equipped with manual transmission, remove oil reservoir.
5. On vehicles equipped with automatic transmission, remove snap ring, governor body and governor pressure adapter.
6. Remove bearing locknut and drive pinion rear bearing. Rotate drive pinion clockwise when loosening nut.
7. Remove drive pinion and spacer. Use tool No. 09950-20012 and 09956-00010 or equivalents to remove drive pinion bearing.
8. Replace side bearings using tool No. 09502-10012 or equivalent.
9. To remove ring gear, raise lock plate, then remove retaining bolts. Tap ring gear lightly to separate from case.